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Gurus of modern commerce. How to pay for effective training and not for a well-known name?

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Today, the financial market is filled not only with numerous robots and advisers, but also with real people who are ready to teach others. Previously, this was not observed: in the post-Soviet space, for a long time, only trading centers were trained, and in the West, subscriptions to trading signals were mainly distributed. Now you can learn to trade from experienced and knowledgeable professionals. However, there is a “but” here: any of them can easily become a pseudo-specialist; Fortunately, training in the information business has already affected all areas. How to understand which “guru” you need and which ones are better to avoid?

There are things in this search that everyone pays attention to, but they are not important. And there are very significant ones, but they are not taken into account. How you do it depends on whether you will be wasting your time and money, or buying yourself a great financial future.

What should be done to find the best “teacher”?
Gurus of modern commerce. How to pay for effective training and not for a well-known name? The first and most important step is to discover how he trades himself. And the best way to prove it is by using signs that he is willing to share. This type of self-promotion is so common now that if the training merchant doesn’t provide free materials, then something is wrong. Either he still hasn’t understood the meaning of these actions, or indeed he has nothing to boast about. In any case, he must not wait for him to come to his senses and make the right announcement for himself; there’s a lot to choose from today. Therefore, consider only those traders who are ready to provide fairly accurate forecasts for free, even in the smallest amount.

In itself, the presence of such signals is not yet an indicator of reliability. You have a long, but not difficult job at the same time: you must try all the advice of each specialist from the list of the selected ones. You can open trades on the same demo account, but then you have to keep very detailed records with the risk of getting confused in them. It is better to keep a separate account for each trader, then the results will be very indicative.


It is very important not to miss a single prediction. Only then will you be able to draw correct conclusions regarding the knowledge given to the chosen “guru”. Any specialist also has mistreatment. Only someone has few of them, someone has a lot of them, and someone is not a professional at all, but just makes money with other people. If you use forecasts 2-3 times at random, there is a high probability that you will find yourself in good or just bad offers, as a result, you will not be able to draw objective conclusions.
It is also important to spend enough time with each operator. Watch the movements in your demo account for 1-3 months, every time you open with someone else’s recommendations. This is the only way you can understand if they will really give you what they promise.

Gurus of modern commerce. How to pay for effective training and not for a well-known name? 2By the way, you can trade with a real account, but this is more risky. An important point in determining the honesty of a “guru”: if he publishes screenshots of his income or the percentage of growth in funds per month, compare it with the promises. If you are promised +50 points per week, and the merchant himself earns that amount in just a month or a quarter, this is reason to think …

The second factor to make the right decision, desirable but not mandatory, is that the specialist cooperates with a known broker. Usually, self-respecting companies do not post the predictions of unverified traders. It is also important to them that people listen to them.

One more point: ignore formation at token prices. And nothing should confuse you. If a trader makes good money, he will not share knowledge for a penny, but he will teach for free. He just doesn’t need to sell information and his time is so cheap when he already makes a lot of money. The only real motivation may be a more or less decent increase in the basic “salary”.

By the way, the high price is not at all an indicator of good quality, in this case. But bass is still to be avoided.

What NOT to do to find the best specialist?
However, according to the above criteria, rarely does anyone look for their future teacher. More often, people buy other “advantages”:

bright and ubiquitous advertising, psychologically catchy information;
great name;
big promises the easy way;
internet reviews;
low price.
Gurus of modern commerce. How to pay for effective training and not for a well-known name?

It makes no sense to pay attention to these factors in most cases, because:

You can buy a great name today. Exactly! With a good starting amount, special agencies, including advertising and SEO companies, can easily promote anyone on the Internet. This also includes fake reviews which, if desired, can be obtained in large numbers. Over time, of course, the bad ones will appear, but the displacement of the positive ones by them will not happen immediately.
The glossy advertising is from the same area. It’s easy to do, easy to promise something, hook a potential customer with his interests. This is too common nowadays. Just remember the election campaigns. Have you ever seen someone choose someone who hasn’t advertised diligently and for a long time?
The easy way is a completely separate topic. It simply does not exist in the financial markets, and if the author of courses or coaches promises it, it means that they are exaggerating or blatantly lying.
The low cost was already mentioned above.

As you can see, choosing a “guru” is not a quick and easy task. However, the time invested will be amortized with interest. Traders who become specialists live very different lives than their regular counterparts with varying incomes. Therefore, decide for yourself what is more important to you: an urgent start or a stable high income.

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